Why Norwegians are so happy, healthy and wise

While Norwegians are considered by many to be among the happiest people in the world, they also experience a longer and healthier life expectancy, and inner wisdom and self-confidence, others often seem to envy them. Although the weather is often on the colder and windier side, the air quality is among the best in the world. This nation, which only in the last decades, became a relatively wealthy one, due to the discovery of large amounts of oil, most of the energy used is not fossil fuels but hydroelectric. The country enjoys its independence and commitment to making everyone feel welcomed and respected. Yet he is truly proud Democratic royalty. With that in mind, this article will briefly examine, consider, and discuss why most Norwegians are happy, healthy, satisfied, and wise.

1. Happy: Why are they so happy? Sit back and enjoy the scenery, and if it doesn’t bring a smile to your face, you need a checkup, from the neck up! The many memorable and spectacular fjords of this nation are beautiful. The snow capped mountains are unique and inspiring. The emphasis on a balanced life and the enjoyment of experiences motivates people towards a higher level of fulfillment.

2. Healthy: With clean air and water a priority in protecting nature and the environment, this should come as no surprise. Almost all studies indicate the link between happiness and health, so Norway seems to show that it is correct. A health care and medical system that emphasizes a holistic approach and access to care, for all, certainly helps.

3. Wise: education is affordable and of quality. The nation, unlike others, seems to have learned from the past and seems less likely to repeat the same mistake. Politicians realize they will lose their jobs unless they focus on service, rather than a personal agenda. Wisdom comes from the right priorities, combined with education and integrity. It seems to work for Norway.

4. Contentment: When quality of life becomes more important than materialism, it is easier for most people to be content. Satisfaction stems from a combination of integrity, intellect, common sense, and a willingness to expand your personal comfort zone.

Every nation has its benefits and shortcomings. However, if a particular one consistently ranks very high on each of these considerations, it is most likely unique. Put Norway on your bucket list and discover the possibilities. We only live once, so be as happy as possible.

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