Why staging sells, even in today’s economy

In any market, there are three things that help a home sell faster: the right location, the right price, and the right sentiment for the person who is looking to buy. Two of these are controllable; and the last one …. well, you can hardly do anything about the location of the property.

Even in this current economy and housing market, people continue to buy homes. Work transfers to and from Memphis, both civilian and military, are still taking place. There are still people who are retiring and moving from one home to another. And few as they are, in a big city like Memphis, some people are in great financial shape and taking advantage of low interest rates and these people are looking to make a major home purchase. So the bottom line is that even though the real estate market has seen a dramatic drop, homes are still selling, which is why it’s so important for home sellers to make your home memorable. Any Memphis real estate agent will tell you that the market is really saturated with enough houses. You can see for yourself by taking a look at a site like Realtor.com. If your home doesn’t stand out and makes potential buyers remember your great room or wonderful master suite with a cozy living room, you may forget it.

This brings me to the most important thing you can do to help sell a home; And that is marketing the home effectively both internally and externally. Internal marketing is doing its best to prepare the real property for resale, also called “home staging.” Staging involves ordering, deodorizing (or cleaning), and depersonalizing the property. Disorder is to get rid of more than half of the furniture in a room, collections or “what not” (as we called them at home), etc. As connected as we may be to these items over the years, they are considered huge distractions to potential buyers – get rid of them! Deodorizing or cleaning may involve hiring a professional cleaning company to come into the home to make sure the carpet and other surfaces are spotless and to remove any other odors from the home. Your home is competing with newer homes that are also on the real estate market. You should try to convince a potential buyer that there is little difference between your home and the new one; in fact yours is better! Finally, depersonalizing is many times to neutralize the space as much as possible. As much as I enjoy the color red, not everyone does, especially on walls. Bold colors are fine to complement, but should be avoided at all costs on large surfaces such as walls, floors, furniture. Get rid of all the photos too, including those of adorable kids, grandkids, and cocker spaniels! You want to help potential buyers imagine living in the house; This is very difficult to do when your personal keys are at every turn.

Much of this work can be done by the home salesperson; however, it should be noted that less than 10% of people can objectively see their home to do the job well. Most Certified Homeowners Experts are specially trained in what attracts potential home buyers the most; They will have an eye for creating special emotional points throughout the home that will connect with the widest range of buyers. The cost of home assembly services in Memphis will range from $ 150K to $ 1000K, depending on what needs to be done to get the house ready for market. Staging at home has to make financial sense; otherwise, you will surely have wasted your money. If you are investing money in an upgrade or service for a resale property, you should definitely know what your return on investment will be. If the thought of putting additional costs on a house you are trying to sell immediately puts you off, I suggest you try to remember that the cost of staging is much less than the first price reduction on your house. This is where external marketing comes in. Outside marketing is what agents do to help sell the home. This could include open house screenings, real estate postings, and the Internet. According to a 2007 investigation by the National Association of Realtors, 84% of homeowners used the Internet to search for homes before even contacting their agent. That is why it is so important that houses are properly conditioned so that good photos are taken and published on all real estate websites.

The goal is to attract as many potential buyers to your door as possible and hopefully surprise them with a “cozy space” as they walk through the front door.

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