Will you stay short forever?

If you are looking to grow taller, there are several sites on the internet that will seek to help you. I’m referring to sites that advertise exercise programs and stretching sessions that are supposedly designed to lengthen bones.

When we are babies, our bones are still mostly cartilage. As we gradually grow, this cartilage hardens and melts into hard adult bones, which is why we have far fewer bones than when we were babies. As we hit puberty, cartilage growth plates located at the ends of our longest bones cause those bones to slowly lengthen. Exercising regularly during this time can improve your height, but once your bones stop growing, no amount of stretching will make them grow again.

The only way to lengthen your bones once you reach adulthood is to have surgery. However, this is extremely difficult and has several risks involved. You must be thoroughly psychologically evaluated before undergoing the test. It is also difficult to find a doctor who has the necessary experience to do this.

During surgery, his legs are broken and metal plates are attached to hold the bone in place with a gap between them. Over the course of several months, her bones gradually come together to fill the void. However, as you can imagine, recovery time from such surgery is time consuming and you may need physical therapy afterward. The risks involve the bones healing poorly. They can heal in a way that results in the bone being deformed for life. Other risks involve paralysis, nerve damage, and even death.

If you are considering how to grow taller, there are better alternatives than surgery. For example, dressing to appear taller is a safer and cheaper alternative. By wearing solid, dark colors, pinstripes, and high heels, you can appear considerably taller. Conversely, wearing dark pants with a white shirt or clothing with plaid or polka dots can make you look shorter, as it draws attention to your waistline and makes your limbs appear shorter.

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