You have unlimited creative potential

Ever since humans swung naked from the trees onto the Serengeti plains, we’ve been creative. We had to be. look at us Scrawny and hairless surrounded by big cats and other predators. If we hadn’t used those big brains, roaches would probably be at the top of the food chain today.

But many people do not believe that they are creative. You are. You have unlimited creative ability, but you must believe it to archive.

Research shows that everyone has creative abilities. The more training you have and the more diverse the training, the greater your potential for creative output.

In addition, it has been shown that quantity equals quality in creativity. In fact, the longer the list of ideas, the higher the quality of the final solution. Generally, the highest quality ideas appear at the bottom of the list.

The average adult thinks of three to six alternatives for any given situation. The average child thinks of 60. Why does this change as we mature? People stop believing in their creative abilities.

A Harvard Business Review (HBR) study of its database of 6,000 professionals who have taken the Innovator DNA assessment further supports the assumption that you have to believe in your creativity to make it happen.

The study found that those who agree with the survey statement “I am creative” consistently create new businesses, products, services and processes that no one has done before. Because they see themselves as creative, they are. The HBR data further suggests that if you shift your “I’m not creative” mindset, you too can consistently become more creative. HBR has developed a simple five question test to help you determine your creative mindset.

Answer these questions with a Yes or No:

Associative Thinking: I solve challenging problems creatively using diverse ideas or knowledge.

Questioning: I often ask questions that challenge the fundamental assumptions of others.

Observe: I get innovative ideas by directly observing how people interact with products and services.

Idea networking: I regularly speak with a diverse set of people (eg, from different functions, industries, geographies) to find and refine new business ideas.

Experimentation: I frequently experiment to create new ways of doing things.

According to HBR, if you answered no to three or more of the questions, you’re most likely in the “I’m not creative” mindset. But you can change.

As cartoonist Hugh MacLeod puts it: “Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. Then, when you hit puberty, your crayons are taken away and replaced with dried-up books and bored about algebra, history, etc. years later with the ‘creative error’ it’s just a little voice saying, ‘I’d like my crayons back, please.'”

Let’s get out our pencils, and our belief in our creativity, shall we?

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