
Where does your pension come from?

Your pension, and all your benefits actually, are part of your hourly wage. Yes, although it may not appear on your pay stub, it is actually part of your hourly wage. That’s how: When companies price their product, they include all the costs of producing the product or service and then add profit. The cost…

Health Fitness

3 Nutrition Facts Every Coach Should Know

Coaches are often the first people to provide nutritional guidance to athletes. Unfortunately, many coaches are unprepared to provide such guidance and, under most state laws, they are not authorized to provide nutritional guidance. However, when it comes to sports nutrition, many coaches and players simply focus on gaining weight and muscle. This “plan” lacks…

Legal Law

Chemistry and the Law of Attraction

So you’ve seen the hit movie “The Secret,” and you’ve decided this Law of Attraction is worth checking out. You go online and you go through some articles about it, and you start asking the Universe for what you want and you focus on what you want. And then you sit back and wait for…


Do the particles get intuition?

This is a fair warning for those who are not on the spiritual path. Do not read this. A great majority of scientific thoughts fall into the belief that human beings come from some accidental particles. So how do particles get intuition? It is absolutely impossible for inanimate particles to come together and create intelligent…