Do the particles get intuition?

This is a fair warning for those who are not on the spiritual path. Do not read this. A great majority of scientific thoughts fall into the belief that human beings come from some accidental particles. So how do particles get intuition? It is absolutely impossible for inanimate particles to come together and create intelligent beings.

Based on reason, man is a logical spirit animal and, like animals early in life, they are generally engrossed in inherent animal cravings. That is why when fidgety children dig, eat, and move for no apparent reason as time passes, their time is like an animal. Some older people behave immaturely like zombie robots who have never grown emotionally.

People like this can barely communicate with intelligence and always instinctively act like animals rather than with clear and sensitive thinking and judgment. Now some types are like intellectually receptive beings, but it is not uncommon for there to be some who act more like instinctively motivated animals; When you want to have a conversation with them about money, sex, or food, they are totally material minded and reflectively respond like a salivating dog. But when you try to have an important philosophical discussion about the mysteries of God or life, their reaction is deadpan, as if the conversationalist is stupid.

Beware of those who have the power of attraction of animal magnetism. Some types of snakes use this magnetic power of attraction to charm and draw small animals and kill them. All physically minded people are drawn and drawn to animal magnetism. Such a magnetic exchange between young people of the opposite sex awakens emotions, blinding passions, and desires, leading to all sorts of destructive behaviors. Allowing yourself to fall mentally or physically under the semi-hypnotic influence of someone’s animal magnetism is detrimental and one would be constantly blinded by their stronger personality. If the mind is full of prejudices, a person may be covertly guided, good or bad, by the judgment of another person.

It is very important never to associate with low-income people. Snakes are immune to their own venom, but venom is deadly to someone who is bitten; the only rational course of action is to exterminate the snakes or never approach them without an antidote. An intelligent man remedies the situation by staying in good company and separating himself from the company of evil people who look like animals. We are our own saviors.

Ordinary, untrained and unprotected human beings, who roam the terrain of temptations, are taken prisoner either by an unexpected aversion and attraction to the senses or by what they like and dislike. The science of yoga pleads with man to keep an iron grip on the thought process of his mind, where one must not lose self-control even with the greatest provocation.

Developing intuition through concentration accelerates human evolution by reliably perceiving all truth from within. Real intuition does not require the power of the senses to distinguish the truth. With the power of intuition, the soul sees all things directly. Any understanding that is obtained through machine learning and sensory experience from an intellectual point of view of man’s own power of deduction keeps the truth limited and difficult to assimilate. We could spend a lifetime learning through all these modern methods of education, which seems like a never-ending task. Even in a single lifetime, no one can learn all the mysteries of heaven and earth depending on the senses and the mind, as they do not constantly offer an accurate picture. By practicing the methods of concentration with meditation, the faculties of intuition are born where knowledge is realized with surprising speed.

Why wander through the endless cycles of incarnations trying to collect intuitive truths completely relying on your mind and senses, schools and books for knowledge? Learn to awaken your intuition. With the help of the senses of sight and hearing, the mind can give false impressions and draw wrong conclusions from its perceptions. The vast ocean cannot be poured into a cup, and therefore the sea of ​​understanding cannot be emptied into a small cup of intellect. In order to grasp the limitless truth, understanding must be increased through meditation until it progresses to a limitless cup of perception and intuition.

When a baby grows up, the time will come when he will have to exercise reason to protect himself. If you misuse your reason, a bad outcome is accelerated, and if guided precisely by good judgment, the growing individual becomes happy. Be careful, when your children acquire knowledge only through the so-called information superhighway of intellectual intelligence, their inner path to intuition will be blocked and closed by the hand of self-reliance. Education is not about letting mushroom-filled, fertile young minds become corrupted by pumping opinions or thoughts out of the contents of books. These young minds are indoctrinated and lied to. Teaching children to develop intuition accelerates their own evolution and helps them recognize the truth; otherwise, they will be left behind, powerless to realize their ambitions.

The proof came from the great writers of the Scriptures, who knew completely, no matter how much book study, they would never be able to directly give the supreme knowledge, but following the path of self-realization and discipline, they obtained the wisdom and knowledge by looking through the interior. spiritual eye. By learning the intuitive study method, you could assimilate knowledge in a few days that would normally take years.

Take a moment to test yourself, do you know what real and true intuition feels like? Intuition peeks through the calm spaces within your thoughts as an inner voice or an unsettling feeling like an inner whisper. Those souls developed on the path of self-realization know how to distinguish that inner guidance from the imaginary deceptive voice of the subconscious mind or human intelligence that lies to them incessantly.

Some people, sadly, depend on the underdeveloped or what is called semi-intuition. These people cannot distinguish between a true feeling of intuition and their convictions created by habits such as obtaining the same result that happened before and intellectual experience. Never be emotional, excited or skeptical, as this leads to distorting clouded intuition. Even men of great understanding and women of pure feelings tend to have semi-intuition. Intuition must be acquired through the path of self-realization and meditation.

Who wants to live the animal life of ordinary, irrational, worldly people, whose life is no better than sleeping, eating and multiplying? With the power of concentration and intuition, you can accelerate your evolution outside of mechanical life, and not through the eternal and never-ending process of established academic education. Ignorant children and human adult androids live virtually unawakened animal-like lives. An excellent way to free humanity is for adults who have learned from their own mistakes to make an effort to rescue children from making similar mistakes.

There is evidence for you and your children to make a distinction when told the truth. Whenever authentic truth is first articulated to you, you absorb it as you grasp its importance. When they tell you a real truth, you think “this sounds like something I’ve heard before, I think I knew.” Remember that all seemingly fresh new truths are actually old hidden truths of the spirit and soul and become recognizable again to give us happiness. From the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda.

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