
Android apps: what you need to know about them

Android apps are applications that are typically designed using the Java programming language, in collaboration with the Android Software Development Kit. However, there are other development kits such as the Android NDK or indigenous tools for extensions or C/C++ applications. There is a visual setup known as Google App Inventor that is used by beginning…


Nordictrack Exercise Bike Reviews

NordicTrack is a popular brand of exercise bikes. They’re popular because they come with one of the best consoles on any bike, certainly for a sub-$1,000 machine. But are they a good machine overall, what type of user do they appeal to, and how do customers rate NordicTrack exercise bikes? The answers you get will…


How much do I need from my garden?

Every year, gardeners are faced with one of two situations. One is seen every year when courgettes are planted and if you are a parent you will have heard this statement from your children too many times. “Zucchini again?” The other situation is when the garden does not produce enough produce to make it through…