
What style do you box?

Each boxer has different combinations, punches, and moves, but they fight in a specific way. This is his style. There are a few different types of boxing styles. Each of them is very different, but they are not completely different, as one type of boxing may have some similarity to another person’s style. There are…


How to make a friendly workplace

It’s about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends and family.’ A well said quote by Philip Green. Man is one of the most dynamic beings created by God, since his opinions, preferences and way of life continue to fluctuate. He is a being who fails to live a monotonous…


How to beat debit and credit card skimmers at the gas pump

With ATM skimming losses reaching $1 billion, criminals aren’t slowing down, but rather changing tactics to exploit consumers’ credit and debit cards at gas stations. Banks are taking steps to protect consumers from ATM skimmers by installing anti-skimming technology that blocks skimmer readers with radio signals, monitors the physical characteristics of the ATM to detect…

Health Fitness

9 CrossFit exercises to lose weight and belly fat

CrossFit is a series of training methods primarily intended to improve strength and conditioning. It focuses primarily on Olympic-style weightlifting, but at the same time consists of various routines that aim to develop various physical attributes such as stamina, strength, speed, coordination, balance, and more. What separates CrossFit workouts from all other methods is that…