
African art and culture: a tool for the social, political and economic development of Africa

African cultural and artistic productions have several dimensions that emphasize the central role that art plays in the development of societies. This justifies why art and life and social progress are intertwined. This article explains the influence of art on the social, political and economic development of African societies. African art is related to the…


Strengths and weaknesses of Android based applications

The Android world has registered a remarkable development in terms of user base and applications. Some Android software and app companies have evidently developed crackerjack apps on this platform. Compared to iOS, Android is the most widely used operating system. But many of the concepts are relatively new to this operating system and developed applications…

Digital Marketing

How to avoid audience saturation

When I started my career as a speaker, I had to constantly fight the need to tell my audience everything I knew about the subject at hand within the hour allotted to me. After the contract was signed and the issue was defined, the conflict began. What content should I include? What stories should I…


the little golden book

When I was in second grade, I was invited to a Birthday Party. I remember this particular party because the children’s mother had bought and wrapped share individual gifts for each child. They were not labeled. You just got to a pillow case, with eyes closed, and took out a gift that became yours. Mine…

Health Fitness

The gym vs. home training

There are several reasons why people choose to exercise at home and several reasons why other people choose to exercise at a commercial gym. If you’re just starting a new exercise routine, you may not be sure which option is best for you. Here are some things to consider, contrast, and compare before deciding whether…

Lifestyle Fashion

Suplimente pentru dureri articulare

Suplimente pentru dureri Glucozamina și condroitina sunt două substanțe care se găsesc în mod natural în cartilaj, care tinde să scadă în jurul articulațiilor pe măsură ce îmbătrânești. S-a demonstrat că suplimentele care conțin acești compuși reduc durerea și ușurează rigiditatea din cauza pierderii cartilajului. Acizii grași Omega-3 sunt un alt adaos comun la suplimentele…