4 common excuses why people don’t exercise

It is not difficult for some people to convince themselves not to exercise. It is important not to repeat the same mistakes others make, so knowing some of the excuses people have and how their excuses are flawed will prevent you from making the same mistakes. Here are 4 common excuses for not exercising or participating in a fitness program to lose weight.

Excuse 1: I’m too tired after work or don’t feel like exercising

There are very few people who work so hard that they cannot exercise physically after a day’s work. Most people are mentally exhausted from work, but are more than physically capable of exercising. Not feeling like exercising can affect the quality of a workout, but it’s not enough of a reason to skip exercising for a day. The more you exercise, the more your body will want you to move and your attitude towards training will be different. Commit and stick with your fitness plan.

Excuse 2: I don’t have enough space or I don’t like going to the gym

Generally, all a person has to do to have enough space to exercise is slide a coffee table to the left or right. Space can make it difficult to perform a perfect lunge or yoga routine, but most people have more than enough room for aerobics or light lifts. If you really don’t have enough space, invest some money and go to a gym. People who say they don’t like going to the gym may be justified if it’s too busy or unsafe, but otherwise it’s just an excuse. People are too preoccupied with themselves to care about you or what you are doing. In fact, if they are paying attention to you it is because they may want to give you advice or encouragement. Usually any problem a person has with a gym is not the problem with a gym, but with the person himself. Get your mind right and going to a gym is no big deal.

Excuse 3: I feel like I’m starving when I diet

That’s probably because you are to some degree. If you normally consume 2,500 calories without exercising and then cut them down to 1,500 with a good fitness plan, the calorie cut may be too great. I suggest that people start eating healthier foods first and then slowly reduce their calories. Simply changing the types of food you are eating and exercising should, at the very least, make you feel better and healthier. As you decrease the calories per month, the weight slowly melts away and is sustainable.

Excuse 4: The climate is not ideal or the temperature in a basement or garage is not good.

On days when I can’t go for a run, I stay indoors and ride my elliptical or do an aerobic video. In addition, depending on the climate there are different types of exercises for different types of weight. Simply walking in the snow or against the wind is an exercise in itself. If you don’t like to exercise in a garage because it is too cold or too hot it is not ideal, but it is not a real valid excuse not to do it anyway. Make an investment in a really nice window fan or air conditioner for the heat or a heater for the cold. Make your workout as comfortable as possible so you can mentally carry it through every day.

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