Arts Entertainments

Funeral follies

Planning your death is no different than planning your life Nobody, with the exception of that very ghoulish character Harold, from the movie Harold and Maude likes to talk about death. Harold, being Harold, couldn’t wait to plan the perfect funeral. If our mind ever wanders in the dreaded direction of death, we immediately change…

Arts Entertainments

Is it true that racism died?

This may be the most controversial article you have ever read. At the same time, controversial conversations can alter your perspective on reality. Modified perspectives can usher in new actions. I wish it was an easy conversation. It’s not. It really is analogous to telling the scientific world that the earth is not the center…

Arts Entertainments

Fighting with god

I am a fan of wrestling. Before I used to find such combat sports very violent and irritating, but then I discovered that there are certain qualities that these fighters exhibit that Christians and everyone who wants to be successful needs needs. And they are; Staying focused and alert, self-confident, hopeful, courageous, persevering, resilient, and…