Health Fitness

8 ways to burn belly fat without exercise

Looking to burn belly fat without exercising? Or, if you’re like me, looking for additional ways to burn belly fat beyond traditional exercise. Here are some great ways to boost your metabolism without using an exercise machine, lifting a dumbbell, or doing crunches. 1) walk Walking has been widely documented as the best thing sedentary…

Health Fitness

Sprint to look better naked!

Traditional cardio approaches to fat loss have focused solely on exercising in the “Fat Burning Zone” (FBZ), also known as the aerobic zone, by performing slow and steady exercise at low to moderate intensity for periods of time. prolonged. However, aerobic exercise alone has not only FAILED to produce significant fat loss, it can actually…

Health Fitness

How to achieve health and fitness

Many people seek health and fitness, but what really are the essentials for health and fitness, and how do you achieve good health and general well-being? When you take a closer look at the concept, it all boils down to the following four components, which are crucial to a healthy life. Are: * 1 good…

Health Fitness

Is racquetball good for weight loss?

The only way to maintain a healthy weight is to burn more calories than we eat. Although the evidence clearly supports this fact, it does not prevent us from looking for shortcuts. Superfoods, fad diets, and fat-burning pills promise real, long-lasting results that never seem to materialize. It’s no wonder Americans are tipping the scales…

Health Fitness

How to start a low carb diet

Low carb diets include cutting carbohydrates out of your diet, or at least limiting them, and adding more protein and fat. But even if you cut out starchy grains, vegetables, and fruits, will it help you lose weight, and more importantly, will you be healthy and will your weight loss results last? If you eliminate…

Health Fitness

Oh no! I can not fall asleep!

Not getting enough sleep can cause many problems, including mood swings, irritability, depression, poor concentration, mental confusion, and even hallucinations. Generally, you need about eight hours of sleep each night to keep your body healthy. Many people report that they have difficulty sleeping due to symptoms of a mental health condition such as anxiety, depression,…