Sprint to look better naked!

Traditional cardio approaches to fat loss have focused solely on exercising in the “Fat Burning Zone” (FBZ), also known as the aerobic zone, by performing slow and steady exercise at low to moderate intensity for periods of time. prolonged. However, aerobic exercise alone has not only FAILED to produce significant fat loss, it can actually cause you to store fat (think problem areas) and lose muscle. Not too sexy!

So what is the alternative? Exercising in the “Carb Burning Zone” (CBZ), also known as the anaerobic zone, to make your workouts dramatically shorter AND more effective. This is accomplished through interval training in which you alternate between high intensity sprint sets and low to moderate intensity active recovery periods. The speed portion of the fast interval depletes your body’s tank of glycogen (the stored form of carbohydrates or sugar in muscle) so your body begins to use fat (both dietary and stored body fat) as its primary energy source at all the other moments of El dia. More specifically, sprints lasting 30 to 60 seconds have been scientifically proven to burn the most sugar in your body so you can quickly tap into your unwanted fat stores.

For maximum fat loss, we highly recommend intervals consisting of a sprint followed by an active recovery period of greater or equal length depending on your current level of conditioning, with the exception of some elite level interval protocols where the period Recovery is actually less than the sprint period (eg Tabatas). For example, if you use a 30-second sprint, here’s how you would select the appropriate active recovery period for your current fitness level to better customize your interval training workouts:

Level I- Beginner: use a 1: 3 work / rest ratio (30s on, 90s off)

Level II – Intermediate: use a 1: 2 work / rest ratio (30s on, 60s off)

Level III- Advanced: use a 1: 1 work-to-rest ratio (30s on, 30s off)

Additionally, this form of training not only burns a ton of calories during actual training, it has a serious AFTERBURN effect that will cause you to burn more calories for hours and hours after completing your workout (some studies suggest 12-24+ hours ). This phenomenon is known as Post-Exercise Oxygen Excess Consumption (COPD) and describes the energy your body expends in restoring your metabolic rate to pre-exercise levels. The best part about EPOC is that you control it, which means that the harder you work during your workout, the more calories your body will burn, both during your workout and up to 24-48 hours after completing your workout.

So, what are you waiting for?

Start running to look better naked TODAY!

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