Legal Law

Interview with author Julia Soplop

Meet Julia Soplop, author of Equus Rising: How the Horse Shaped US History. FQ: Just reading your bio, you’ve spent a lot of time documenting animal behavior around the world. What made the horse such an attractive subject for you? SOPLOP: Something that fascinates me about the horse is that, unlike most domestic animals, the…

Legal Law

Investment tips and strategies

Obtaining offshore banking services can be useful if you travel a lot and are not really in a specific place. Income A company’s income is not important if you are considering in-house banking. If you are not interested in saving and therefore paying for the cord blood bank, you may want to consider donating. Proponents…

Legal Law

Amway – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

The Amway scam is the first thing that comes to mind whenever someone is asked about networking these days. Setting aside the previous judgments about the Amway scam, however, the real question is this. Is this really an Amway scam or a real business opportunity? The truth is that Amway is one of the oldest…