Legal Law

Oral Sex and Sperm Antibodies

Ladies, if you are in the habit of ingesting sperm, kick the habit today. Experts in the field of immune infertility have found evidence to suggest that women who swallow their partners’ sperm may form antibodies against the sperm. In a sense, swallowing sperm is synonymous with being inoculated with it, and you could end…

Legal Law

Benefits of Hiring a Divorce Lawyer

The stress that a divorce causes in a couple and their family is very immense. Although finding a good divorce attorney can bring additional stress to the situation, in the end, this could be one of the most beneficial decisions you make in your divorce process. A professional divorce attorney can help you in more…

Legal Law

Division and Procedures of International Trade, Trade Balance and Balance of Payments

Vital steps are taken when processing an international trade. Considering import trade, export trade and transportation, balance of trade and balance of payments are also essential elements for successful international trade. Procedures for International Trade For international trade to take effect, certain procedures must be followed. The step-by-step procedures are: 1. The importer and the…

Legal Law

Marilyn Monroe and Mary Jo Kopechne

I doubt Marilyn Monroe was anything but a confused, star-struck drug addict with some gifts and talents that the Kennedy boys enjoyed. But it is possible that she was so obsessed with them that she would have threatened to tell something about what she knew and it caught the attention of the people and the…

Legal Law

A tale of three tales

Certain English phrases are often used to great effect, such as when we think of marketing: “Don’t leave home without it”, or “It melts in your mouth, not in your hands”, and even “Obey your thirst”. These keywords and phrases associate certain products with them when we are exposed to them over and over again,…

Legal Law

Brief Reports 101

Short stories are an exciting field! From the courtroom to the deposition room to the TV broadcast, court reporters, deposition reporters, and captioners make it possible! Court reporting is the way to start a professional career that is crucial to the legal field, challenging and well paid. There are literally global job opportunities waiting for…

Legal Law

6 Ways to Make Your Online PR Boost SEO

If you think PR is dead, then you are missing out on the great brand awareness opportunities that come with PR in this digital age. Of course, times have changed. The old tactics of traditional public relations expressed in strategic event coordination, crisis communication, reputation management, trade shows, sponsorship opportunities, outreach, press release distribution and…