Lifestyle Fashion

Spaghetti Squash and the Candida Diet

Have you ever heard of spaghetti squash? If you’ve ever been on a low-carb diet, you’ve probably heard of this amazing winter squash that, when cooked, falls apart into spaghetti-like strands. Spaghetti squash is a low-carb dieter’s dream, containing just 5 grams of carbs per ½-cup serving. It is for this reason that it is…

Lifestyle Fashion

Putting out the inner fire

There, in the dark of fate, No one to watch me, darkness far and wide. There is no signal for me to dial – No other light, no guidance — Except for my heart, the fire, the fire inside. Saint John of the Cross What do you want? What do you want really? There is…

Lifestyle Fashion

Turmeric to improve your health

Various traditional cultures have always known that food can be medicine, when used wisely. For example, Chinese and East Indian cuisine is loaded with heavenly spices that not only taste good but are also good for many common ailments. What’s more, science now suggests that these same spices may actually prevent many chronic diseases and…

Lifestyle Fashion

All Caps Type Phobia Secrets

One of my teachers in high school was great with chalk or a blackboard marker. He wrote quickly and legibly, and his handwriting was also beautiful. He knew how to draw simple pictures and diagrams in a simple and effective way. That’s harder than it sounds, you know. But there was one sub-skill in the…