Discover The 8 Steps Towards A Faith That Moves Mountains

“If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will be able to say to this mountain: move! And it will move! And nothing will be impossible for you”.

You can transform your life and your future by discovering and sending the mountain-moving power of faith into your life or business situation.

You can achieve what seems impossible at first if you take the eight steps of faith that moves mountains.

There are many people who claim to live by faith but remain underachievers. We all know people who claim to exercise real faith and yet achieve little or nothing. What happen?

Failure is often the result of too shallow a faith.

The faith that moves mountains is not just dipping your toes in the water. The faith that moves mountains is the faith that dares to wade into deep waters.

Now watch the eight steps on how to lead to a faith that moves mountains.

has. Step 1: Dream.

The faith that moves mountains begins with a dream. “Success is the realization of a world dream!” Without a doubt, the greatest power in the world is the power of a creative idea. Every success starts with a dream. You can measure the size of a man or a woman by the size of their dreams.

Faith begins with an act of imagining. “If you don’t have a dream, how can dreams come true?”

Begin now by using your God power within yourself to paint a picture of what you would like to accomplish. Reject all thoughts of impossibility and all disadvantage complexes. Imagine yourself as a friend of the Mighty, a partner of the Rich and a collaborator of the Almighty.

Faith begins with a dream, but must move to deeper levels before success is achieved.

b. Step 2: wish.

Deeper-water faith is wanting something so desperately that someday, somehow, somewhere, sometime, you know you will have it. Faith is destroyed more by lack of desire than by real doubt.

No man or woman will ever believe they can move a mountain unless they really want that mountain to move. Almost anything can be achieved by the person who really wants to be successful. The old adage is true: if there is a will, there is a way. “We believe what we want to believe! To believe is to want!”

Apply this definition of faith to your dreams. To begin with, you must know what you want. Visualize in detail what you want to achieve. With a hazy and confused picture of what you’re after, don’t be surprised if you fail.

Therefore, a first step in faith that moves mountains is to form a DETAILED MENTAL PICTURE OF YOUR DREAM.

If you want your dream bad enough, you will plan, organize, reorganize, and work until you get what you want. A great desire meets a great determination. Faith is wanting something with all your heart.

After you know what you want, you must censor these desires. Moral questions need to be asked at this point: “Is this right? Would God want this? Can I ask God to be my partner in this dream adventure?” Faith builds strong muscles when you get a “Yes” to all these important questions.

vs. Step 3: Bold.

Doubt is frequently a lack of courage. The fear of embarrassment along with the fear of getting involved or the fear of personal sacrifice is enough to prevent you from wanting to commit yourself in faith to an idea, a dream, a project or a cause. With God on your side you will dare to take risks.

The faith that moves mountains is not simply dreaming and wishing. It is daring to risk failure. Because faith is making a DECISION with no guarantee of success. If success is certain, a company is no longer a leap of faith. Faith without risk is a contradiction. Faith is taking a chance on something before you can be sure how everything will work out.

Remember this: “Every time you make a decision, you take a risk.” “The saddest words on tongue or pen are these: it might have been.”

Faith is daring to risk disappointment. If you never try, you will never lose. Faith is daring to be an opportunity taker. This is how success will work for you. Chance generates output. The exit generates enthusiasm. Enthusiasm generates energy. You have a cycle of success going on.

d. Step 4: Start.

You have a dream, you have discarded fear from your thinking, now get going.

It is not enough to dream, wish and dare. The faith that moves mountains now begins to act as if nothing is going to stop the dream from succeeding.

Faith must move from the level of imagination to the level of conversation and then to the level of concrete organization.

Begin! Do something! “The beginning is half done!”

me. Step 5: Waiting.

Hope is the great power that can lead you to success. Why? Because when a man or a woman hopes to win, they don’t hold anything back, but give everything they have to their project.

When you expect success, then you hold nothing to yourself, but put in your last dime, spend your second wind power, and stake your priceless reputation, trusting that you will succeed. Such extreme dedication almost always leads to success. When people know you’ve given your wonderful idea everything you’ve got, they’ll flock to your site and help you achieve victory and success.

F. Step 6: Affirmation.

Faith is affirming success before it comes. Faith is claiming victory before it is achieved. This is very difficult to do, but the most important thing.

Mountain movers are people who boldly predict success. They know that they have to convey a winning image or they will never get the followers they need to achieve their goal.

Affirmation is faith-generating enthusiasm. Big affirmations increase a sense of hope and generate great enthusiasm. Affirm success and you will visualize yourself winning.

gram. Step 7: Wait.

Almost every business goes through a period of time when problems are overwhelming. This is the time to remind yourself that the faith that moves mountains is the faith that keeps the power of the line. Faith is patience. The men or women who really succeed are the men or women who know that every project goes through phases in which there is nothing to do but wait.

This is especially true when we have experienced what may seem like a failure or costly setback. Successful people are men and women who refuse to believe in defeat. His infinite patience generates a fantastic rebounding ability.

When the average individual quits, the positive thinker bounces back, confident that somehow, sometime, a new opportunity will arise to lead them to success.

Time has a way of proving that what looks like mishap is actually good fortune in a false mask.

H. Step 8: Accept.

We all face situations where our mountain doesn’t move despite everything we do.

So all we can do is offer that profound prayer of faith offered by Jesus Christ:

“My father, all things are possible for you. However, not my will, but yours be done.”

“Your will be done” towers above all human declarations as the supreme declaration of faith at the deepest level. The faith that moves mountains is to surrender, let go and let God take control.

How can you surrender your dreams or your problems to God? Only God knows what is good and what is bad for us.

If your mountain does not move, give it to God. He will either move it or show you how you can turn it into a mine or a monument.

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