eight indigestible foods

Spicy food: Red peppers or jalapeƱos do a lot of damage to the walls of the esophagus. When you finish eating, you will find that your heart and stomach ache a little. You still get those feelings even when you put some damage reduction cream on them.

Chocolates: If you eat a lot of them, you store a lot of calories. People suffering from gastroesophageal reflux may have unpleasant sensations after eating chocolates. If you have to eat chocolates, better choose dark chocolates because they contain many healthy elements, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and copper. Also, they contain the lowest sugar and fat among various chocolates.

Orange juice: Acidic drinks can damage the esophagus and stimulate sensory nerves. As a result, the stimulated area becomes inflamed. If you drink a glass of orange juice once you wake up, it can increase the acidity of your stomach. If you drink lemon juice with a lot of sugar, you may have diarrhea. Orange juice contains a lot of vitamin C which is healthy for the body. So if you drink it at the right time, there will be no problem. It can be drunk with meals or between meals.

Broccoli and cabbage: They not only contain many vitamins and dietary fibers, but also have the function of preventing cancer and aging. Still, we can’t believe that these vegetables are completely healthy because vegetables rich in fibers can enlarge your stomach and accumulate gas there.

Beans: Oligosaccharides such as stachyose and raffinose contained in beans are fermented by intestinal bacteria and thus produce some gas. As a result, people have hiccups, borborygmi, bloating, and stomach pain.

Raw onion: There are many nutrients in onion, garlic, and Chinese chives. For example, they protect the heart but can also cause uncomfortable sensations, such as flatulence and stomach pain.

Fried food: Fried chicken and French fries are so high in fat and oil that they can cause illness if they accumulate in the stomach. The oil produces an indigestible substance called “acrylic acid” at high temperature.

Ice Cream: Cold foods such as ice cream, sundaes, and cold drinks can influence the normal functioning of the stomach and cause indigestion. Although they feel delicious when you enjoy them, you will soon find that you have a bad appetite, bloating and stomach pain when you finish them.

And so, you have to learn to control yourself. Do not eat these foods too often and in excess. Don’t ruin your health just for temporary enjoyment.

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