Faith Building 101A

Let your family and friends know that you are a person of faith.

If you are like my friend Magic Genie, Gloriious, and myself, you may be embarrassed to tell your loved ones and loved ones that you are a person of faith. You may be afraid to show your true feelings. You may need to learn how to build your faith.

Do not be afraid. Unlock your imagination and find your faith.

Let go of your inhibitions and allow your true feelings and emotions to take root. You may be surprised to discover that you are, in fact, a person of faith. You may be surprised to find out how much faith you really have. You can discover your own personal Magic Genie to help make your wishes come true. Use your imagination. Get motivated.

You have the right to declare yourself a person of faith.

When you unlock your imagination and get rid of your inhibitions, you will soon discover that you are a good and valuable person who has the right to declare himself a person of faith. You have the right to feel good about yourself. You have the right to find your faith in God. The Almighty has genetically predisposed you to want to have faith. It is an instinct as natural as your will to survive. He learns to express you.

Express your faith to validate and acknowledge it.

Once you recognize that you are a person of faith, you can acknowledge your new faith and validate it to others by making an Expression of Faith; an Expression that represents what you personally believe. You can commemorate your feelings of faith.

There is more than one way for you to find your faith.

It does not matter what your particular religious beliefs are. You have the right to believe in God however you choose. That is why God gave us the right to make decisions. You have the right to believe in God and to declare yourself a person of Faith. You have the right to express yourself. You have the right to follow your own path to God.

Taking small leaps can help you strengthen your faith.

You can take small steps or ‘little leaps’ of faith that can help you build your faith. You can begin to discover that these ‘little jumps’ are the Magic Keys to finding your Faith. Couldn’t you use a little magic in your life right now? Don’t you want to know how to deal with the problems of our time? Wouldn’t you like to be more successful?

Wouldn’t you like to feel good about yourself?

Learning to express your new faith can help you feel wonderful. It can help you feel like a worthwhile person. Wouldn’t you like to feel good about yourself? You can when you declare yourself a person of faith. Take positive action.

Learn to cope with the difficult times we live in.

Once you learn to express your faith and declare yourself a person of faith, you will find peace of mind. You will be able to cope with the problems of our time. You will start to feel more secure. You will start to feel better about your life.

You can find your faith and feel more secure.

When you find your faith you will begin to have peace of mind. You will begin to realize that only God can control what happens in your life. You will begin to believe in what is beyond our power to understand. You will begin to use your imagination.

Little leaps of faith you can take to help you find peace of mind.

You can start by being kind, caring, and loving. You can take the ‘little leap’ of faith that confirms that sometimes it takes a bit of fantasy to unlock our imaginations so we can learn to believe what we can’t see or understand. Stop fiddling with temporary quick fixes and get a patch of faith: a magic pill for what ails you. Couldn’t you use a little magic in your life right now?

Learn to become a person of faith.

Take the ‘little leaps’ of faith necessary to help you become a person of faith. Learn how to strengthen your faith to help protect yourself from acts of terrorism and natural disasters. Learn to have faith in the future. Couldn’t you use a little more faith today?

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