Google Sandbox: do you want to grab it by the horns? Part 1

Google’s sandbox is like an enemy… worth loving. As a webmaster/SEO, do you have any other options? If you want to generate traffic, you can’t ignore Google!

But first the original question. Does the Google sandbox really exist? The answer to this question is misleading most of the time; there are conflicting opinions and no straight answers.

The majority opinion: Google sandbox definitely exists

minority opinion: Many search engine veterans firmly believe that the sandbox theory is a figment of the imagination of ‘Black Hat SEO’

However, the exact positioning is somewhere between the ‘YES’ Y ‘NOT’ of the Google sandbox theory. That’s because there are strong indicators towards both extremes.

Google sandbox theory ‘YES’ exists

Proponents of this theory point to the fact that any new website (with a newly registered domain name) shows up on Google after a delay of about six months, even though the same website starts showing up on other search engines almost immediately. instant… The question they ask why?

What gives this theory more credence is the fact that many White Hat SEOs have admitted that they too have faced this problem. So the moot point here is “If you’re doing everything in a purely ethical way, why isn’t your website showing up in Google?” The answers to these questions are difficult to find, although they form the basis of the ‘NO’ theory.

The ‘NO’ Google sandbox theory doesn’t exist

Many of those who espouse this theory are, in fact, industry veterans, with years of experience dealing with search engines. The main points they have put forward against the sandbox theory are relevant to the reasons why websites don’t show up in Google and are:

  • Application of unethical techniques such as
    • Reverse engineering search engine algorithms, trying to find the bugs in it and then exploiting them for its own cause.
    • link cultivation
    • Creation of duplicate content
    • keyword stuffing
  • Lack of updating knowledge.: Search engine algorithms change quite frequently and that is why the techniques to be used need constant fine-tuning. To be successful as an SEO, you need to thoroughly understand the changing algorithms and what they mean. But, what most SEOs do is; they believe in what they do and when the results do not reach the expected levels, they blame the Google sandbox.

In short, the Google sandbox theory is presented as a way used by less competitive SEOs to cover up their skills.

There seems to be truth on both ends, but our focus needs to be on ways to get the website listed as soon as possible, and to that end, it’s important to note here that all is not lost, as there are certain ways in which can minimize the effect of the litter box.

To be continued in part 2….

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