Green Home Renovation

Have you ever seen a house that is not only hideous, but completely out of place in its surroundings? Perhaps all the trees have been removed, the beautiful creek has been damaged and filled in, or the construction of the house is obviously inundated with synthetic materials. Of course, people have the absolute right to live in a home they like. But today, an increasing number of homeowners are renovating their homes in an environmentally friendly way.

The number of companies specializing in the sale of renovation materials that are good for the environment is increasing. The best place to look for a company that focuses its production on green materials is online or by asking at the information desk of your local building supply store. A green company tends to sell products that are not treated with chemicals, as well as being environmentally minded when harvesting or producing these goods. The paint has long been a fixture of environmental controversy, and now it can be found without volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the mix. Another example is that some companies now make insulation from recycled products such as cotton, cork or even bamboo. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of other great eco-friendly materials that are sure to suit your needs, whatever they may be.

Wood is an important material whether you are building or renovating your home. Green companies ensure that they do not disturb the environment, particularly fragile communities, by harvesting trees for timber production. In general, any wood that is certified by Forest Stewardship Counsel should be safe to use. Other companies are using recycled products, such as plastics and some types of wood, to create construction items for the home. It is even possible to have kitchen countertops that are made from recycled paper, imagine that! Green materials not only help the environment in one way or another, but are often very durable and require less maintenance compared to traditional building materials.

When choosing your renovation materials, you’ll discover an overabundance of traditional materials. You’ll have to dig a little further to find “green” materials. Since the market for natural materials is considerably smaller than that for traditional materials, you’ll see less big-money advertising for “green” materials. You may need to do some extra internet searching, make a few phone calls to dealers, and search for the right building supply companies to find what you’re looking for. Persistence will win out and delight in eco-safe and hypoallergenic “green” materials for all your renovation needs.

In addition to using eco-friendly materials, there are several ways to make your home more eco-friendly. Skylights are a great way to use natural sunlight to illuminate a room, instead of traditional energy-absorbing lighting. Solar power is another smart way to fit in a little more with the environment. For years, homeowners have used solar power to heat their outdoor pools, but what about internal power? Some companies have come up with a way to embed solar panels on the roof so that they look like regular shingles. Imagine the long-term profitability of solar panels versus lower monthly electricity bills.

Using natural insulation, replacing existing windows with energy efficient wood or double pane glass, and using recycled glass flooring options will go a long way toward making your home green. Recycling materials and being able to reuse them for building materials is changing the way some of us are renovating our homes.

Being environmentally conscious and choosing “greener” alternatives for home renovation projects is still an option, but more and more consumers are turning to techniques, products and supplies that could turn their homes into a showcase for green buildings and materials.

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