How Acting Like an Elephant Helps Your Marriage

Let me ask you a question…

Do you find yourself yelling and yelling a lot in your relationship? I’m not talking about the kind of yelling you’d normally do after seeing a Lebron James dunk, or worse, a Dallas Cowboys loss. I’m talking about the kind where you’re “ripping” your spouse because you’re trying to get your point across. Who does she think she is anyway? I don’t know who she is, but I can certainly tell you who you are.

you are the weakest

What I’m talking about? As always, here is a story to explain what I mean. A few years ago, a New York City martial arts master boarded a bus at 44th and 62nd to go home. He was barely in his seat (he liked to sit up front near the driver), when one of the passengers in the back (a big, burly man) stood up and made a commotion. Out of nowhere, this huge, angry man started yelling and yelling, daring any of the passengers to confront him.

“Yes! What are you going to do?” the huge man yelled. The martial arts master, taken aback by all this, thought that he had to do something. So he mentally began to prepare himself, breathing deeply, preparing his body for action, as the big man approached. The angry man, visibly more agitated, was in the middle of the corridor when something unexpected happened. Another passenger, a small man in horn-rimmed glasses, sitting inches from where the angry man was now standing, stood up, faced him and calmly said the following words…

“Looks like you’ve had a rough day. Why don’t you sit down and tell me about it?” moving the giant to the empty seat next to her. It was as if an off switch had been flipped, as the angry man slumped back on the seat like a huge sack of potatoes and began sobbing like a lost child. “What just happened?” said a somewhat male teenager, echoing the sentiment of the rest of the passengers.

Between sobs, the angry man muttered that his son had recently become seriously ill and that he did not know how he was going to pay for medical care since he had recently lost his job. He also explained how lonely and confused he felt, since he had recently buried his father and now he was the only one left to take care of his family, mainly his mother, who was also sick. . The little man (sitting down) listened attentively.

The martial arts master was leveled. He thought that he was about to face a powerful monster, but this guy was not a monster nor was he powerful, this guy was broken and according to everyone, he was weak.

Why am I telling you this? The reason is simple.

The weakest is the loudest

Have you ever wondered why babies cry? Yes, it would seem obvious that they need to be held, fed, or diapered. But I think they are saying something else, something deeper but not so obvious.

I think they (the babies) are really saying:

I have no power to change my situation

When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Babies cannot change their situation because they are the weakest creatures in Nature. Therefore, anyone who cries, wails, or makes loud noises feels the same way: they feel powerless.

Another quick story:

About five years ago, I was the one yelling and yelling in my house. I did it because I thought it would help my family respect me, but it didn’t at all. What he really did was make my family fear me and avoid me. I don’t know when or why I started doing that. Growing up, there was a lot of yelling and yelling in my family. So maybe I became numb and thought my family would get used to it too.

Now I know that scare tactics (getting a loved one to do something) are always bad moves. However, as I always look for answers in nature, I began to think of other creatures that often made loud noises (small barking dogs, hyenas, etc.), and the answer remained constant. But then I did something else. I began to think of other creatures that didn’t make loud noises and discovered that the opposite was also true.

What was it?

power is silent

Think about elephants and whales for a minute, some of the biggest creatures on this planet, they’re not very loud, are they? Man, what an epiphany was that. Needless to say, I changed my entire game.

I stopped complaining, stomach pain, screaming and everything that communicated weakness, and I started working on making things that were synonymous with beings of true power. Visit [] and I will give you more advice.

I can’t say I’m an elephant yet, but I’m certainly not the stomachache I used to be. I think if you dig a little deeper, you will discover that there is also an elephant in you. For your growth in power…


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