Keyword Research Kiss To Increase Profits From Online Sales

How to search for keywords in AdWords campaigns

Finding the right place to settle can mean the difference between success and failure. This is true for online advertising. Making a sale and increasing your profit is just a kiss away. Here are some tips on how to do keyword research on your AdWords campaign.

Just keep it successful

This guide provides a basic strategy for creating a successful online advertising campaign. Preparation and focus are essential to increasing profits. The Keep It Simple (KISS) method is my way of staying focused.

This is how online marketing works: I buy a keyword so that my ad will show when someone types my keyword in a search bar. This keyword is the location of my shop window. I place an ad in the window to attract these people to my store.

Understanding your goal

Showing my shop window, my advertisement, is the way to achieve my goal. I want to win money. To make money I need to find people and launch my product.

Google AdWords pay per click

I am using PPC because it is profitable. Google has the largest audience. There are other advertising platforms that use the PPC model. I prefer Google over Bing, MSN and Bidvertiser.

How to research keywords

Who is my audience

If you are just getting started with online advertising, you can make this simple mistake. Marketing to everyone who writes your seed word. The terms in a word are not very good at showing intention.

For example, I have a candy store and I want to advertise online. I decide ‘candy’ is the term I’ll be targeting.

Start big

Use a keyword research tool to help you see how your search term will perform. The Keyword Planner is a free tool and WordTracker has a free tour.

In the keyword planner, enter your keyword and you will get a list of results that will trigger the display of your ad. I am using basic google search to create my list in this example.

My goal is to find more interest-based words related to my seed word.

I find that people also search for candy-related terms and add them to my keyword list.

Dig deep

Below, I delve into each of the results. I’m going to limit my example to the “chocolate bonbon” audience.

At this stage, your keywords show intent. These are very specific terms. Let’s go beyond here to capture more leads.


Expanding it is like brainstorming. What other word could be used instead of caramel? What specific candies do you sell? Let’s use truffles for our example.

chocolate truffles

truffle price

truffle recipe

truffles in NC

Keyword Research Summary

The purpose of advertising is to achieve a goal. Increase your profits from online sales. Make sure you stay focused on words relevant to your product.

Keyword research is the way to find your audience. Start big, go deep and wide to cover your bases. Stay within your window to stay relevant and related to the keyword searches that are being done for your product.

Resist the temptation to show your store to related groups, stay relevant to your products.

This article is a very basic summary of how to do keyword research for AdWords to increase profits from online sales.

A missing key ingredient is the negative keyword list. Another is how to track your return on investment.

The AdWords platform is very powerful. Create a simple campaign that you can monitor and improve over time. People search differently across time and seasons. What is working today may not work as well tomorrow.

Keyword research is an ongoing process. Think big, dig deep and look wide, as your success is as close as a kiss away. Just keep it successful.

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