Ladies and gentlemen: Get your metabolism going!

You’ve started that new exercise program and this time you’re determined to reach your goals, nothing will stand in your way! You have been doing everything right; diet, exercise and you feel that this time there is no stopping you… Until you get on the scale! One week of sweat and effort and all you’ve managed to lose is a lousy pound. What possible reason could there be for such a small reward for such a great effort?

Does this sound familiar? Trust me, you are not alone and it is the main reason many people give up trying to change for the better. It’s easier to put it in the “too hard” basket rather than figure out why it happens (or doesn’t). Well, I can tell you that one of the main culprits in this all-too-familiar scenario is something complicated called metabolism.

But what is metabolism and how do we fix it?

Metabolism is the rate at which your body breaks down the food you eat and converts it into energy to keep you alive every day. Your body requires a minimal amount of energy (kilojoules) every day to keep important things like your heart, lungs, brain, and muscles alive and working. If you eat more than you need your body stores it as fat, too little and your body goes to those fat stores and uses them to keep going.

So I can hear you thinking, this sounds too easy. All I have to do is eat less and I will lose weight. If only it were that simple! Your body is a very smart thing and if you start eating less and less the first thing it does is slow down your metabolism! This is because it thinks you are starving, so it switches to survival mode to save precious energy to stay alive. Then, to make matters worse, when you start eating more again, your body is already running slowly, so those extra kilojoules you’re now eating are instantly stored as, you guessed it, extra weight!

So how do you get around these tricky issues and get your metabolism firing the way you want it to? Well, there are a few ways and if you know what you are doing, it is not that difficult to achieve the goals you are after. Realistically, it won’t happen overnight, but with a little dedication to yourself and your goals, it can happen. Read on to discover the simple things you can do to help.

1. Keep a journal of all the food you eat and the exercise you do each day. It’s also good to record your mood and how well you slept each day. After a while, you may start to notice a pattern, which in turn can help you reach your goals.

2. Try to build lean muscle. The fact is that muscle burns more energy than fat, even when you’re resting. If you have more muscle, your body will burn more kilojoules. You don’t have to be a bodybuilder, but a REGULAR EXERCISE PROGRAM that includes some strength or resistance training to help you get stronger goes a long way in achieving weight loss.

3. A product like METABOLIC MAX™ will help your body jump-start that metabolism. METABOLIC MAX™ is a unique homeopathic formula that is designed to help the body speed up metabolism and by doing so may help with weight loss. All you need to do is add a little to your water bottle and voila!

4. Vary your routine! The human body is very good at adapting. If you do the same thing day after day, your body will accept it as the norm. Vary your diet and training to keep your body moving and your metabolism moving.

5. Drink water! You are 70% water to begin with, but by staying hydrated you help your body eliminate toxins and keep your metabolism running as intended. Alcohol and carbonated drinks can be deadly with all the hidden kilojoules they add to your diet.

It’s about how badly you WANT those changes to happen. Simple changes can have BIG results. To you!

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