Natural Cancer Remedies: Organic Prostate Cancer Treatments

Prostate cancer affects more than 200,000 men each year in the United States alone. World statistics on prostate cancer continue to grow exponentially, and with the continued modernization of second and third world nations, the number of cases is likely to increase. While these numbers may seem bleak, when caught early, the recovery rate for men with prostate cancer is very high. Men approaching their mid to late forties should be sure to get regular screening for this form of cancer, as early detection is the first step to any successful treatment.

The precise cause of prostate cancer remains to be determined, but certain factors appear to be related to the development of the disease. Heredity, hormonal imbalances, advanced age, and exposure to environmental toxins seem to be related to the development of prostate cancer in most men. In its early stages, prostate cancer may have few or no outward symptoms. However, as the cancer develops, symptoms will begin to manifest. These include difficulty urinating, blood in the urine, back and genital pain, fatigue, and weight loss.

Conventional treatments for prostate cancer continue to rely on invasive techniques to combat the disease. Chemotherapy, drugs, and surgery remain the standard of treatment for most cases of prostate cancer. But these treatments come with a host of unpleasant side effects. Chemotherapy, while destroying cancer cells, also severely compromises the patient’s immune system. Surgery can also have adverse effects on a man’s general health and quality of life. Rather than put up with these unwanted side effects, many men turn to more natural treatments. Men with prostate cancer are discovering that through a combination of holistic therapies and faith they can return to optimal health.

Prostate cancer and nutrition

Nutrition plays an important role in recovery from any illness, and prostate cancer is no different. Strategic changes to a patient’s diet can have significant proactive effects on her health. Cancer patients must first begin to eliminate potentially harmful items from their daily diets, including refined sugars, salt, processed meats, and dairy products. The benefits of a primarily vegetarian diet continue to gain credence in cancer studies around the world. While it can be a definite challenge for some, moving away from a meat-based diet can have great therapeutic effects for men with prostate cancer.

As men make changes to their dietary routine, it’s important that they start adding nutritionally powerful foods to their regular menu. Fresh organic fruits and vegetables, seeds, and nuts contain nutrients that slow the growth of cancer cells and should be part of any cancer-fighting diet. Tomatoes, carrots, and other rich sources of lycopene and beta-carotene also help in the fight against cancer and should be added to an already healthy diet.

Nutritional supplements may also be taken to help prevent the growth and reproduction of cancer cells. Specifically, vitamins A, D, and E are powerful antioxidants that help the body fight new cancerous growths. Minerals, such as selenium, calcium, and magnesium, also have distinct anti-cancer properties that make it increasingly difficult for cancer cells to grow. Men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer will want to consult a holistic practitioner to help design a dietary regimen, complete with nutritional supplements, that addresses their specific needs as a cancer patient.

Christian Health Retreats offers support

A diagnosis of prostate cancer can leave men reeling, and men can greatly benefit from the experiences found at a Christian Health Retreat. In addition to a much-needed retreat from the daily stresses of life, especially at a time when fear and anxiety can be foremost on their minds, men can receive some much-needed spiritual and nutritional counseling. Resident holistic physicians can help men design a cancer-fighting nutritional plan and can teach them exercises that will help improve their overall health and stamina. A stay at a Christian health retreat also gives men much-needed time and quiet to come to terms with their condition by meditating on God’s word and praying for his guidance. The combination of prayer, praise and adoration can help patients find inner peace and the strength to wage a successful fight against the cancer attacking their body. With the support of spiritual advisors, doctors, and nutritionists, men can regain their health and peace of mind. Refreshed, revitalized, and with a solid nutritional and spiritual battle plan, prostate cancer patients can return to their daily lives armed with the weapons they need to beat their cancer.

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