Not Your Grandpa’s Factory: Modernizing Manufacturing to Attract Millennials

Why is engagement so important in manufacturing and the skilled trades? Because according to a 2013 industry report, for every four business positions from which workers leave, the industry produces only one replacement. Worse still, it is forecast that in the next decade, 2 million of the 3.5 million available manufacturing jobs will go unfilled due to a lack of available talent.

Now you may be wondering, how can that be? With millions of unemployed Millennials, facing an unemployment rate that is double the national rate, do we not have enough people to fill those positions? Not until we change the image and perception of manufacturing, both for children and their parents.

For the past two generations, young professionals haven’t exactly taken advantage of the opportunity to work in manufacturing. Part of the problem is the stigma attached to manufacturing: working in a dirty environment, with outdated thinking and little room to grow. The other major problem is parents who have discouraged their children from attending a trade or technical school and instead promote the value of a four-year degree from a college or university. According to the National Association of Manufacturers and the Institute of Manufacturing (NAM), only 3 in 10 parents would consider encouraging their children to pursue a career in manufacturing. The perception has been that you get into the trades if you’re not “college material.” And parents want their kids to be “college material.”

Now that the United States is experiencing a “manufacturing renaissance” and looks to produce its products on American soil again, there is an urgent and growing need for new talent.

So how do you make manufacturing jobs more attractive to prospective employees? You can start by modernizing your brand. If your company is stuck in an old, calcified way of doing business, you’ll have a hard time finding and keeping younger workers.

Today’s workers are digital natives. They are “wired” for technology in a different way than previous generations, and they expect access to it in the workplace. That is why it is essential that manufacturers not only have Industry 4.0 cutting-edge technology available, but that companies must promote the technology used in their production process. Millennials will be pleased, if not surprised, so know that more than two-thirds of US manufacturing companies are adopting 3D printing and more than half are using robots.

Find ways to better use mobile, video, and virtual reality in your hiring process, as well as throughout the plant. Millennials are used to watching videos to learn new things, so why not use YouTube or another video website to give potential employees a realistic “day in the life” look at a worker at your facility? Keep videos to 2-3 minutes or less and take advantage of the “wow” factors of the job. Not sure what they are? Ask your current team members what they enjoy most about their work. You can even interview them and let them share their story on the video. By doing so, you are letting job seekers know that this is not your grandfather’s factory.

One of the first places to start is your business website. Yes, it’s a great place to share what your business is all about, but it needs to be real, not a bunch of marketing gibberish. Look for ways to share your company’s culture and mission. What is it like to work there? Demonstrate how your products and services serve a greater mission than simply making a profit. Take advantage of your online presence to show how your company generates a positive impact on society.

Next, take a look at your social networks. (Now, if you’re saying “What’s that?” or “That’s just a fad,” you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you.

Find out where your potential employees hang out. They may not be on Facebook, they can choose Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn instead. It’s important to make sure your channels are active and up to date. Give your employees the opportunity to share what’s happening from their perspective. Post photos from social events, charity projects, and other fun occasions. Does your company seem like a fun place to work from a social media standpoint? If not, look for ways to improve public perception. When done right, this can be a relatively quick fix – just start posting! When you have an active and engaging online social media presence, you build credibility with potential hires from the younger generation.

Lastly, keep in mind that Millennials are always online. They seek one-on-one communication and immediate feedback. They consider their managers and leaders their peers and want access to them. If the only time you’re giving feedback is during the annual review process, you’re going to lose. There are plenty of online tools, pulse surveys, and AI programs that can help provide feedback on demand. Communicating frequently and keeping employees informed will do wonders for engagement and performance development.

The digital nature of manufacturing today is opening up many opportunities for skilled positions, transforming the manual nature of a factory job into the high-tech environment it is today. According to Vicki Holt, President and CEO of Protolabs, “Digital manufacturing is revitalizing our industry and creating new opportunities. The skills gap presents a critical hurdle for all of us. But it’s encouraging to see renewed optimism from a new generation of workers.” . , and hearing that they understand that this is not their grandparents’ manufacturing industry. There’s a lot of work ahead, but this is a good start.”

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