Penile Rash: Important Causes, Symptoms, and Best Treatment

There are many causes for rashes on the penis. Some are mild and easy to treat, while others are a bit more serious and will take time to heal. There are three common conditions that cause a rash on the penis. These are penile acne, penile eczema, and penile scabies. All of these conditions are treatable and, if caught early enough, will not cause any lasting damage to the penis. Let’s look at these conditions in more detail, so that painful rashes on the penis become a thing of the past.

Causes of Penile Rash

Three common conditions that cause a rash on the penis are penile acne, penile eczema, and penile scabies.

Penile acne: Penile skin is the same as any other part of the body. The only difference is that the skin of the penis is erogenous and therefore more sensitive. Therefore, the causes of acne on the penis are the same as acne on the face, neck, and back, and are usually started by bacteria or hormonal influx.

Bacterial penile acne is caused by a bacterium called ‘Propiorubacterium’, which lives in hair follicles in the skin. These bacteria produce an enzyme that dissolves the oil (sebum) produced by the skin. However, sometimes the bacteria produce too much of the enzyme and this breaks the hair follicles. The area around the hair follicle becomes red, inflamed, and infected.

Hormonal penile acne is caused by ‘androgens’ in men. This hormone is secreted during puberty. It increases the size of the skin glands and also amplifies oil production. This, in turn, can create a food source for bacteria, which are attracted to the area and then infect the site.

Penile eczema – Also known as “atopic dermatitis,” eczema is often inherited genetically and can be triggered by allergens such as soaps and detergents. People with this type of eczema may also have hay fever, asthma, and other allergies.

Penile scabies: Penile scabies is caused by an eight-legged mite that is microscopic in size. This mite is transmitted through clothing, bedding, and sexual contact. It can take as little as a few days to notice these mites, or as long as 4-6 weeks. It only depends on the sensitivity of the skin of the penis.

Penile Rash Symptoms

While all penile rashes have similar symptoms, some run deeper than others. By looking closely at the penile rash and then writing down the symptoms, it is possible to diagnose the problem and find a suitable treatment. Penile acne, penile eczema, and penile scabies have the following symptoms:

Penile acne: It can appear as a rash, with red and inflamed skin, bumps, and even whiteheads or other lesions.

Eczema of the penis: The skin of the penis may itch, a rash may appear, and the skin may feel as if it is burning. Breaks in the skin may also become apparent, with the skin oozing and becoming crusty or rough to the touch. Also, red bumps may appear along with painful cracks.

Scabies of the penis: the mites cause the patient to itch, especially at night, which can lead to the appearance of sores. The skin of the penis will become inflamed and a rash will become visible on the penis, small lesions may also appear on the skin. Usually there will be no more than 10 mites on the penis at a time and they will leave a small ‘S’ shaped trail under the skin; so look carefully for any signs of activity.

In extreme cases, the victim may have scabies. This presents as a thick, dry, scaly rash that spreads over an area of ​​the skin. This type of penile scabies is the most difficult to treat and the most contagious as thousands of mites can be present.

Penile Rash Treatment

It is important that the penile rash is treated as quickly as possible to avoid permanent damage to the penile skin and reduced sensation. Penile acne, penile eczema, and penile scabies can be treated as follows:

Penile acne – It is important not to squeeze or pop penile acne blemishes, as this can cause scarring on the penile skin. Instead, cleanse the infected area of ​​the penis with an antibacterial wash for sensitive skin. Also, apply an acne blemish treatment or antibacterial cream to the area. This will reduce inflammation and redness.

Penile eczema: the cause of the allergic reaction, if any, should be removed. Change soaps and detergents, wear different clothes, and use alternatives to latex condoms to protect yourself. If the condition does not correct itself, a doctor should be consulted. He will most likely prescribe a hydrocortisone cream, which should be applied daily to the affected area.

Penile scabies: A prescription medication is used to treat scabies, therefore it is imperative to visit a doctor if this is suspected to be the cause of penile rash. Additionally, it is important that anything the victim has come in contact with is thoroughly cleaned or vacuumed. This includes all clothing, bedding, towels, and furniture. Also, try to avoid scratching your penis and keep any sores clean.

For all conditions, the daily use of a specific penile cream is also recommended (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). This type of product protects the skin of the penis from further damage and helps the skin heal and rejuvenate. As, this product contains vital vitamins, minerals and amino acids that keep the skin of the penis in optimal condition at all times.

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