Raw Organic Honey – Nectar of the Gods

Raw organic honey is as healthy as it is delicious. I tried raw organic honey one day while grocery shopping at the neighborhood nutrition store. It didn’t look appealing from the outside of the bottle, it did look quite waxy to be honest, but I was curious what it would taste like. We try to keep our diet as organic as possible at my house, so we are always looking for something new and interesting to add to the mix. Honey is sweet so you can’t go wrong there. It can be used to sweeten our tea or added to a peanut butter sandwich for my daughter’s school lunch, so at least I knew it wouldn’t go to waste.

I always envisioned honey as a healthy sweetener that’s fun to have once in a while. To the best of my knowledge, the honey was healthy, though possibly a bit too sweet to consume in abundance. Honey is one of those things that you don’t have at the top of your list when you shop at the grocery store. Very rarely do you hear anyone talk about eating honey and it certainly doesn’t get advertised on TV much. You most likely won’t see a supermarket honey special this week and many young children probably won’t even know of its existence unless it’s something they simply associate with bees. Honey is not the most popular item on the market right now, so there may be a lack of awareness of its health benefits.

Let me start by describing the experience I had when I first opened my jar of raw organic honey. The appearance didn’t change much once I opened the jar as it looked just as waxy as it was from the outside. I figured this might be one of those products where the non-organic version has been so processed that it might not be made for the real thing. I started to be a little shy about trying the first spoonful. Will it taste as weird as it looks? My family watched as I hesitantly took out a pea-sized sample and sniffed it before continuing with the taste test. Indeed, I did.

Raw organic honey is the definition of God’s gift of sweetness. The taste was out of this world and he couldn’t imagine how he would avoid enjoying the goodness of it for the rest of the night. My family was eager to try it once they saw the look of satisfaction on my face as if I had discovered new uncharted territory. Everyone loved it and I had to put it on a high shelf to keep my daughter from eating it for dinner. I couldn’t believe the difference between your average store bought honeys and this pure natural bliss, straight from the comb!

Once I was hooked, I decided it would be a good idea to learn more about the nutritional information related to raw organic honey. How much is too much and does it have any health benefits? I loved it so much that I wanted to use it on everything and I’m not just talking about food. I remembered that I made my own face masks and that they included honey. I wondered what it would be like to smear it on my face; after all, you shouldn’t put anything on your face that you can’t eat. I gave it a chance. The label said it contains antioxidants, and every woman knows that this means it has anti-aging properties. It had the consistency of a peel-off mask when I applied it and I did notice my pores starting to close, not too bad. I gave it a few minutes and wiped it off my face with a warm washcloth. If you want to remember what your face felt like when you were five, try this technique. Raw organic honey is also a great natural hair conditioner and can be used for hand washing due to its antibacterial and antimicrobial factors.

I searched for more information on the nutritional value of raw organic honey and found that it offers much more than you might imagine. Raw organic honey contains 22 amino acids, 27 minerals, and 5,000 live enzymes! Please note that I am writing about raw organic honey because it is uncontaminated, the way nature intended. It is free of chemicals, artificial additives and pesticides. The pollen in non-organic honey is removed to help prevent pelleting, but this is where much of the nutritional value of honey is found.

Raw organic honey has many benefits. Contains simple carbohydrates that are gentle on blood sugar. These carbohydrates are great for energizing your muscles before you exercise and help your muscles recover afterward. Relieves morning sickness and sore throats. It can be applied to all types of abrasions to speed up the healing process, including canker sores, eczema, and acne. Instead of using bacitracin or hydrocortisone, go for a more natural approach! Its application in diabetic ulcers is also recommended. Raw organic honey is known to lower bad cholesterol and reduce the chances of colon cancer.

Mixed with cinnamon, this honey can soothe bladder infections, upset stomachs, and arthritis—even something as simple as bad breath! Blended with lemon, raw organic honey helps reduce fat in problem areas like our hips or love handles. It helps transform that fat into energy, which makes it easier to burn. Raw organic honey mixed with raw apple cider vinegar can relieve constipation and migraines. Mix honey with warm raw goat milk and it will increase fertility.

Raw organic honey has phytochemicals called polyphenols that act as antioxidants. These help protect against free radicals that contribute to aging and disease. You will also benefit from the following vitamins when consuming this honey: niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, magnesium, copper, and calcium. Ingredient amounts vary between jars depending on the source of flowers used by the bees that make the honey.

The bee pollen found in raw organic honey is known as a complete food and is sold separately in many nutrition stores as a supplement. It is said that you could survive on 35 grams of bee pollen per day. This natural wonder gives you energy and works to improve libido. Regulates mood and increases cognitive function. Bee pollen stimulates your metabolism, strengthens immunity and promotes longevity.

Everything in moderation as they say, so I don’t recommend eating a whole jar of honey every day even though it sounds good. You should limit your intake to about a teaspoon per day, as this serving will already contain 20 grams of fructose. Keep in mind that people with bee venom allergies may not benefit from eating raw honey, but it does help alleviate 90 percent of all other allergies. Those allergic to pollen and mold will eat a sample of what they are allergic to and this helps build immunity. Please note that children under one year of age should not receive honey of any kind as they do not have a fully developed digestive tract and cannot break down its bacteria.

In general, a little a day can do wonders for your health. I choose to eat my serving straight out of the teaspoon because I love it so much that diluting it down wouldn’t be half as fun. I didn’t think it was possible to enjoy my raw organic honey any more than I did when I first tried it, but every bite is twice as pleasant now that I know what it’s doing for my health.

Raw organic honey is best for you when purchased locally and many of your neighborhood nutrition stores will buy from local farmers. Visiting one of these stores can reduce travel time for you. If you don’t have a nutrition store that sells local raw organic honey, and you don’t have transportation to the nearest organic farm, you can most likely order your products online and have them shipped. You must try raw organic honey for yourself and taste the most amazing delicious flavor and natural sweetness. Raw organic honey can be added to your favorite foods for a great secret recipe. There are times when I take a great Food Network recipe and turn it into an organic version and add a little honey for extra flavor. This little treasure never goes bad and can be used as a natural preservative!

Make your dishes delicious with ideas like these:

Honey Fried Salmon Fillets

Cupcakes glazed with honey and orange juice

Pancakes with honey instead of syrup

Honey Sweetened Cornbread

Honey can replace sugar in pasta sauce. Add some organic coconut oil and everyone will want their secret recipe!

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