Singing for abundance

Singing for abundance is a very old way of setting an intention for abundance and invoking it. I use a Sanskrit chant that I learned easily and after doing it for some time, it is becoming my own. One of the reasons singing works for me is that it puts my mind in the abundance thought process. The power is not so much in the actual song, but in the feeling that I put into it. Singing sets in motion the creative power to bring me abundance.

Thoughts become things and through the process of chanting and focusing on abundance, I begin to create the vibration of abundance. I believe we live in a world of abundance and it is easy to take. So when I focus on it, I realize that I am already living in abundance.

What if I don’t feel full right now? I sing. This is the best time to sing because what we focus on we become. If I am focusing on the lack, I see the lack around me and I think I am missing. If I focus on unhappiness, I see unhappiness around me and I think I am unhappy. So in order to erase the record and change my thoughts, all I need to do is focus on what I want.

These are the basics of singing:

1. The first thing to do is choose your Mantra. If you want to use a Sanskrit mantra, you must call Lakshmi, the goddess of abundance. The mantra is:

Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha (pronounced: ohm shreem maha-lak-shmee-yay swa-ha).

The songs almost always begin with OM. The mantra “OM” is the name of God, the vibration of the Supreme.

SHRIM is the sound of the seed of the abundance principle. The repetition of the SHRIM mantra gives you the ability to attract and maintain abundance.

MAHA means “excellent”, both in quantity and quality. It’s giving the singing that extra flair! When he speaks here of the quality of abundance, he is in harmony with divine law.

LAKSHMI in Sanskrit means the energy of abundance. The goddess of abundance.

SWAHA means “I testify.” You could also say Namaha instead, which means “I bow.” This is liberation from prayer. This chant was crafted by ancient mystics who understood the power of vibration and intention. This is a powerful mantra for abundance and the one I use.

2. You can say the words or you can make up a melody and sing the song. You can even tell yourself silently.

3. Every day in the morning and at night, chant your mantra 108 times. Do this for 40 consecutive days. (if you miss a day, start over)

At the end of 40 days, you will not only see abundance in your life, you will be creating and attracting abundance in all areas of your life!

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