Take advantage of its warm market: will it still work these days?

Take advantage of your “warm market” it’s a technique that worked better in the old days. His upline is telling him to make a list of 100 people. And try to sell them your product or service and even better recruit them as distributors.

When you look back at the history of multi-level marketing in the 1950s and 1960s, you’ll see that back then people had much larger “warm markets.” In all the towns people knew each other. Society in the old days was very united. Multi-level marketing was hardly known then. But those who were in an MLM company, start making money in their spare time by telling other people (friends, neighbors and family members) to stop shopping at the department store and start buying products from their MLM company.

Now, almost 60 years later, society has changed drastically. Most of us don’t even know our own neighbors! Our mentality has also changed. We are so skeptical and we certainly don’t want our friends and family to sell us things. Network marketing is known these days as a “earn money from home” Program.

So this explains why the technique of tapping into your “warm market” from the “old” days doesn’t work as well as you hoped it would for you. It still works for the parent company. When all your distributors recruit 1 or 2 people during the period they stay in business. Most of the time, an MLM distributor will stay 3-4 months with their parent company before giving up. Before doing that, they have also spent hundreds of dollars on brochures, CDs, etc. The parent company will continually have new employees this way and they will continue to grow and make all the money.

Can you make all the money and be very successful as a distributor for a parent company? If you can! You don’t have to rely on your warm market for sustained profitability. There are new techniques to find people who are willing to buy your product or service. You just have to find your target market.

Tools to find your target audience:

The phone

The Internet

the written word

When you master the art and science of the marketing tools listed above, you’ll become an expert. And that will make all the difference. Now you will be the one on stage and grow your business into a money making machine instead of just letting the parent company be profitable.

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