Real Estate

What is the disposal clause in a mortgage loan?

A disposition clause in a mortgage contract gives the lender certain established rights when there is a transfer of ownership of the property. It can also be called a pay-per-sale clause. This is designed to limit the debtor’s right to transfer the property without the creditor’s permission. Depending on the actual wording of the clause,…

Tours Travel

The Spiritual Shaman – Shamanism and Omens

The practice of shamanism is a logical earth-based spiritual practice. You may even have friends who practice this form of spirituality and never know it. One of the distinguishing factors of a person who practices shamanism is that he tends to get along with animals and all forms of nature. People will also feel comfortable…


Current Issues with the Draft COSO Framework Update

Failures within the COSO Framework community In 1992, COSO released its original COSO Internal Control – Integrated Framework. This framework was in response to the requirements of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977. Stakeholders of the framework have raised the following issues in their comments on the COSO 2012 draft update: 1. Most…

Home Kitchen

A detailed guide to shutters

To get an in-depth look at the windows in your home, take a 360-degree view of your home from the inside out and see what your windows look like. Does it look too simple? Take a deep look at the window frame, the glass, and the way they sit there. Now your real work begins!…


Distance – Cold Turkey Duel at Thanksgiving

“He’s gone.” The words hit my cell phone with a firmness that hit me in the back of the throat. It was Thanksgiving and my older brother, the fast-talking bodybuilder, the guy with a quick wit, the always-laughing family man, had left us. After contracting the short straw and type I diabetes at age 11,…