6 tips on how to attract older women

So you like cougars. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. AARP conducted a survey in 2003 and its findings showed that 20 percent of older women like being with younger men, and many younger men love being with older women.

Now, what exactly defines seniors? The definition is an age difference of 10 years. If you really want to be with an older woman, there are a few things you need to know; some valuable information that will not only make it easier for you to attract a cougar, but will also make your relationship more than just a game of “cat and mouse”.

1. Drop the pickup lines

Ok, this is essential. Older women have been through it all. Remember, you are not dealing with an impressionable 20-year-old here. If you were planning on approaching your purring bundle of delights saying, “Girl, you must be tired because you’ve been running around in my head all day,” you might as well run the other way right now. You will receive a drink on your head or a sympathetic smile accompanied by a pat on the shoulder as he walks away. Keep it simple: introduce yourself silly! Maturity goes a long way.

2. Have a real job

One thing an older woman “doesn’t” want is a gold digger. At this point in her life, she is looking for a decent man who is good in bed and wants to enjoy life. That is why she is looking for a younger man. However, she doesn’t want one so young that she doesn’t have a job, goals or accomplishments under her belt. Most older women have a decent income. You need to do at least half of what she does. So while she may think her job at Burger King will do the trick, think again. If she wanted that, you would have met her in the driveway, not in the fancy bar you’re in right now.

3. Make a good conversation

Older women want a man who can carry on a good, stimulating conversation. This doesn’t mean you have to know what’s going on in the stock market, it just means don’t be too quick to break up with your girlfriend and all the nasty and immature details that go along with it. Talk about some of her hobbies, like skydiving, soccer, or basketball. Ask him what he does to relieve stress after a long day at work. Try to steer the conversation towards her. Women, especially cougars, love attention. Take note of this.

4. Leave the kids at home

When trying to attract an older woman, touch very lightly on family, especially children. Yes, you may want to tell him that you have children if this is the case, but don’t go into more detail unless he asks you more about it. In some cases, older women have chosen not to have a family because they are so career-oriented. If she is attracted to you, she may be attracted to her children later on. However, save this topic for another time. Get more comfortable with each other first.

5. Start complimenting her

This is important when trying to attract an older woman. They love compliments, especially as they are getting older and going above and beyond to take care of themselves. Tell her how beautiful she is, then go one step further and let her know how sexy she looks. Be mature about this process. Look into her eyes with confidence, but speak to her in a kind and enticing voice. When you look someone straight in the eye, you exude strength and self-esteem, both of which an older woman looks for in a younger man.

6. Invite her to dinner

After you’ve had a good time talking to her and getting to know your kitty, it’s time to invite her to dinner. However, there is a certain way to do it. Instead of saying, “I’d love to have you join me for dinner sometime,” she says, “I think you need to come to dinner with me tomorrow night. How about seven?” Now this may sound arrogant, but it’s all in the delivery. Keep a cute little smile on your face, one that is irresistible, and be firm but attractive. Let her know that she is giving you a choice, but that she won’t take no. She will love this. She shows that you are capable of being a man and taking the initiative from her, but at the same time you respect her.

If the woman of your dreams turns out to be an older woman, or if you choose to have the woman of your dreams be an older woman, all you need to do is follow the advice above and she is yours. It is not difficult to attract older women; you simply need to know how to approach them.

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