Health Fitness

Healthy Ways to Lose Belly Fat

Are you looking for healthy ways to lose belly fat? Are you sick and tired of wasting money on supplements that don’t deliver the promised results? Well, you’re in luck because everything about losing belly fat is healthy, from the foods you put into your body to the exercises you do. First let’s talk about…

Health Fitness

How al dente pasta can help you lose weight

Unlike Americans, many of whom were raised on bland canned spaghetti, Italians insist that their pasta be cooked al dente, or “to the teeth,” a consistency in which it still retains some substance. It may be slightly firm in the center. The pasta is chewier this way (perhaps a little chewier than most Americans like)….

Health Fitness

The Jenny Craig Diet Plan

As people become more and more conscious of how they look, more and more business minded people try to penetrate the market and sell products or even services in order to become a better and more attractive person, however, not everyone has true intentions. , some are just trying to make a lot of money…

Health Fitness

The most effective estrogen dominance treatment

If you are one of the many women experiencing severe perimenopause symptoms, including (but not limited to): extreme premenstrual syndrome Insomnia · Tired ovarian cysts uterine fibers Humor changes · Rage · Infertility weight gain low libido Then it is likely that you suffer from estrogen dominance, a condition in which you have too much…

Health Fitness

Exercise your back pain!

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 80 percent of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their lives. Traditional treatment for low back pain is to increase core strength to increase flexibility of tight muscles, provide better spinal stabilization, and exercises to correct muscle imbalances. The muscles that surround the spine…