Health Fitness

The benefits of swimming over running

Whether you choose to run or swim, both will help you lose weight and improve your cardiovascular capacity. The benefits of swimming outweigh those of running for many reasons. What’s so good about swimming? Resistance effect in water: strengthens the body. Burn calories Keeps Blood Pressure Low – Good cardiovascular exercise without straining your heart….

Health Fitness

Swimming training for wrestlers (Part 1)

Swimming for conditioning is little used, little known or used incorrectly by most wrestlers and coaches. It’s not that coaches don’t have a plan or goal, but a lot of coaches take standard gym work into the pool and stick to one end, doing pair carries and jump squats, all great things, but if they…

Health Fitness

Kettlebell Exercises: A Weight Loss Workout

The kettlebell is an essential piece of training equipment. It’s a cannonball with a handle, plain and simple. There are a variety of weights and sizes to choose from, and there are even some “gummed” colored kettlebell lines due to the growing popularity of kettlebell workouts in Southern California. But what are kettlebell exercises for?…